This UTM are suitable for the testing of tensile,compression,shearing force,adhesion,peeling force,tear strength etc for semiproduct&finished product in the field of rubber,plastic,metal,nylon,fabric,paper,aviation,packing,architecture,petrochemistry,electric appliance,automobile,etc,which are the basic facilities for input quality control(I.Q.C),Quality Control(Q.C),Physical inspection,Mechanics research and material development.
Apply for compression resistance, deformation, stacking test of package container such as corrugated paper box and honeycomb box, and also the wooden package box.
High and low temperature test chamber applying to electrical engineering, electronic products, components and the adaptive test of materials during storage, transportation and use in high and low temperature.
In addition to testing the adaptability and the characteristics of the product had been changed under the general conditions of temperature and humidity combination (High-low temperature & storage, temperature cycling, high temperature and high humidity or moisture condensation test) by simulatable products, low humidity and constant temperature-humidity test chamber can also test whether the crazing and breakage of the product would happen under the conditions of low temperature and low humidity, high temperature and low humidity, high temperature and high humidity, low temperature and high humidity. Further more, the static content in air under the low humidity condition is many time more than the general condition, and it is said that most damage of the electronic components is caused by static.
Meeting the requirements of international specification test (IEC, JIS. JB, MIL...) to ensure the consistency of international measurement programs (including testing procedures, conditions and methods) to avoid cognitive differences and reduces the measurement uncertainties.
RS-8220Gは、プラスチック、セラミック、アクリル、コーティングなどの材料の耐衝撃性を評価するために設計された高精度衝撃試験装置です。主な機能には、オムロンNB5Qカラータッチスクリーン、パナソニックACサーボモーター、赤外線レーザーポジショニング、および二次衝撃防止設計が含まれます。32.5gから500gまでの鋼球に対応し、落下高さは200~1800mmです。JIS K5004およびTIA-968-A4に準拠しており、電子機器メーカーや研究所に信頼性の高い正確な試験を保証します。
A device that is installed into the battery module frame and can efficiently simulate the expansion force of the battery core. It can continuously output alternating loads or stable loads and quickly evaluate the fatigue strength of the module frame structure. For double-row battery modules, it supports dual motor linkage control (that is, placing 2 sets of test equipment in the frame to synchronously control the load of each equipment). The equipment is driven by a motor, and a load is applied to the profiling block through a reducer, transmission mechanism, etc. to simulate the cell expansion force.
高温および低温バッテリー押出および針試験機 RS-6006 GDWは、高温および低温環境でのバッテリーおよびバッテリーモジュールの押出および鍼治療試験用に設計されています。ビデオモニタリング機能を備えており、ビデオを自動的に保存してテストプロセスを再現できます。