GB / T 14485エンジニアリングプラスチック、硬質プラスチックシート、プラスチック部品の耐衝撃性試験方法ボール落下法
GB / T15763.2強化ガラス耐衝撃性試験
GB / T13520硬質ポリ塩化ビニル押出シート落下ボール衝撃法
GB / T5226.1機械の
電気安全に関する一般的な技術要件GB / T2611試験機の一般的な技術要件。
The RS-DP-12A drum drop test machine is suitable for continuous rotation (drop) testing of electronic products such as mobile phones, PDAs, and CD/MP3 players.
In addition to testing the adaptability and the characteristics of the product had been changed under the general conditions of temperature and humidity combination (High-low temperature & storage, temperature cycling, high temperature and high humidity or moisture condensation test) by simulatable products, low humidity and constant temperature-humidity test chamber can also test whether the crazing and breakage of the product would happen under the conditions of low temperature and low humidity, high temperature and low humidity, high temperature and high humidity, low temperature and high humidity. Further more, the static content in air under the low humidity condition is many time more than the general condition, and it is said that most damage of the electronic components is caused by static.
Meeting the requirements of international specification test (IEC, JIS. JB, MIL...) to ensure the consistency of international measurement programs (including testing procedures, conditions and methods) to avoid cognitive differences and reduces the measurement uncertainties.
High and low temperature test chamber applying to electrical engineering, electronic products, components and the adaptive test of materials during storage, transportation and use in high and low temperature.
Apply for compression resistance, deformation, stacking test of package container such as corrugated paper box and honeycomb box, and also the wooden package box.
Apply for industrial of electronic parts, houseware, wire, metal, bicycle, handbag, foodstuff, footwear, furniture, etc. to do burst resistance strength test on sample and corrugated cartons, also can be used for synthetic leather testing & textile testing & paper and paperboard testing.
With quakeproof motor driver, operated by worm driving, and then forced on testing sample at speed of 170±15ml/min, the digital load cell will show the sample broken value.
This UTM are suitable for the testing of tensile,compression,shearing force,adhesion,peeling force,tear strength etc for semiproduct&finished product in the field of rubber,plastic,metal,nylon,fabric,paper,aviation,packing,architecture,petrochemistry,electric appliance,automobile,etc,which are the basic facilities for input quality control(I.Q.C),Quality Control(Q.C),Physical inspection,Mechanics research and material development.
5つの場所の抗張周期的なテスター(普遍的なテスター) RS-8000-5は挿入力の完全に正確な結果を得ることができるさまざまなキープ力テストまたは破壊的なテスト間のテストとしてあるべきさまざまなコネクター ケーブルのために設計されている。ローカルマシンは、取り扱いが簡単で簡単なWindows手順設定を採用しており、テストデータ(ロードルート曲線とテスト結果)を自動的に保存でき、さらに、すべてのテスト条件を保存できます。高精度のロードセル測定とサーボモータードライブを採用しているため、正確な張力結果を得ることができます。実際、コネクタおよびケーブルのメーカーやさまざまな完成品メーカーが製品を開発およびチェックするために必要な検出機器の一種です。
It is suitable for bending resistance test on headphone cable.USB cable,multicore cable conductor,flat cable and signal line,etc.The test method is as follows:Firstly,clamp one end of the wire rod and fasten it to the rotation clamp. Then have it make a horizontal rotaion with hanging load to evaluate whether wire rod conduction is good after numerous test cycles.