Typical applications: Suitable for headphone cables, USB cables, multi-core cables, communication cables, flat cables, and signal cables for bending resistance tests. The test method is: the motor is installed vertically, one end of the cable is clamped on the motor rotating fixture, and the other end is hung with a weight (load) to rotate left and right to evaluate whether the cable is conductive after N tests.
Purpose: This machine is suitable for 45-degree rotation life test of power cords, headphone cords, and new data cables of mobile phones, e-books, tablet computers, electronic dictionaries, laptops, headband headphones, etc.
It is used for extrusion and needling test of batteries and battery modules to simulate and detect local thermal runaway or internal short circuit that may be caused by extrusion pressure or external object puncture of battery products.
During the test process, extrusion pressure, extrusion stroke, puncture force, puncture stroke, battery surface temperature and battery voltage change curve are collected synchronously in real time. The extrusion pressure or puncture force that the product may withstand in actual use is simulated in the laboratory; It can meet the battery extrusion and puncture test requirements of monomers or small modules in various standards.
The power battery extrusion & acupuncture testing machine is used to simulate various types of power lithium batteries in the transportation, storage and use process, the battery is squeezed or needled, and the battery is artificially presented in the different conditions that may occur when the battery is squeezed by strong external forces or sharp needles.
The equipment in use, once the battery fire or explosion should be able to absolutely ensure personal safety and no harm to the test site.
高温および低温電池耐圧防爆試験室ITM-DEP は、パワー電池、電気セル、電子製品およびその他の製品、部品および部品、高温、低温試験のためのさまざまな材料のために設計されており、機器は、品質検査および信頼性試験を傾斜させるなど、製品、部品および部品、材料上のBianの条件の温度変化をシミュレートすることができます。
GB / T 14485エンジニアリングプラスチック、硬質プラスチックシート、プラスチック部品の耐衝撃性試験方法ボール落下法
GB / T15763.2強化ガラス耐衝撃性試験
GB / T13520硬質ポリ塩化ビニル押出シート落下ボール衝撃法
GB / T5226.1機械の
電気安全に関する一般的な技術要件GB / T2611試験機の一般的な技術要件。
Designed for all kinds of capacitive touch screen module CTP, cell phone machine, tablet PC, e-book, electronic dictionary and other products touch screen to do click scratch test. It is suitable for capacitive screen precision test, jitter test, linearity test, sensitivity test, long time scratch test and long time click test.
EN 71 ISTA-1A / 1B ASTMD3580 GB / T4857.7 ISO2247国際輸送規格。
In addition to testing the adaptability and the characteristics of the product had been changed under the general conditions of temperature and humidity combination (High-low temperature & storage, temperature cycling, high temperature and high humidity or moisture condensation test) by simulatable products, low humidity and constant temperature-humidity test chamber can also test whether the crazing and breakage of the product would happen under the conditions of low temperature and low humidity, high temperature and low humidity, high temperature and high humidity, low temperature and high humidity. Further more, the static content in air under the low humidity condition is many time more than the general condition, and it is said that most damage of the electronic components is caused by static.
Meeting the requirements of international specification test (IEC, JIS. JB, MIL...) to ensure the consistency of international measurement programs (including testing procedures, conditions and methods) to avoid cognitive differences and reduces the measurement uncertainties.
High and low temperature test chamber applying to electrical engineering, electronic products, components and the adaptive test of materials during storage, transportation and use in high and low temperature.